5 Effective Ways To Control Pests Around Your Home

Pests around your home are looking for a decent home, just like you. With the right environment, your home can provide them with water, food, and a proper dwelling. While it's not easy to reside in a pest-free environment, there are different steps you can take to ensure those pesky intruders don't invade your home. This guide explores a few ways to keep pests off your property.

1. Dispose of trash in your house regularly

If you have litter pilling up around your home, it can be a source of pest infestation. If you don't want this to happen, be sure to remove any trash you have at the end of the day. If your neighborhood has a weekly trash collection service, place your large trash bin outside to prevent pests from entering your living space. Additionally, you can minimize pest infestation by ensuring that the trash containers have a lid. You may also want to consider washing your food containers before placing them in the garbage pit.

2. Invest in outdoor pest control measures

If you have an outdoor space in your home, keeping it litter-free is the surest pest control measure. For instance, a stack of firewood is a perfect breeding ground for termites and ants. While there are plenty of ant and termite treatments to help you control their spread, it's still advisable that you keep wood several feet from your house. In addition, if you have a birdbath, consider emptying it, as it can act as a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

3. Groom your pets regularly

When your cat or dog roams outside, they're likely to carry with them pests like fleas, and it's not possible to thoroughly clean your dog every day. However, ensure that you brush them after they go outdoors because it reduces their chances of carrying bugs. If possible, clean them using tick and flea treatment at least once a month. Additionally, it's a great idea to use grass-safe tick and flea treatment in your yard to create a bug-free area in your home.

4. Keep your roof and attic organized

One of the great places for pests to raise young ones is a messy attic or roof void. While these are places where you store items you don't use often, they should be organized. The best way to minimize clutter in such an area is by placing your items in containers or boxes that can be sealed, which can help in pest control.

It's crucial to ensure that your home is free from pests. By taking measures to ensure that your home is pest-free, you can significantly improve your family's health. For more information about pest control, contact a local pest control company.
